

GIBB’s Property sector leverages the strength and capabilities of GIBB and SVA and allows the group to offer an integrated integrated and comprehensive building service offering. SVA International, one of Africa’s leading architectural firms, and a member of the GIBB Group of Companies and GIBB Engineering, jointly aim to provide comprehensive solutions to property developers and contractors clients.
GIBB’s Property sector retains a wide range of building service capabilities covering engineering capability, architecture, building electronics, health, safety, environmental and sustainability, town planning and urban planning, tenant management and building management systems. The vision and requirements of clients form a key element of the design process to ensure owners and building users derive value. The GIBB multi-disciplinary team sector designs mechanical, electrical, and public health systems required for safe, comfortable, sustainable, and energy-efficient installation and operation of modern buildings.
Led by SVA International, GIBB’s Property sector retains a range of building service capabilities covering engineering expertise, architecture, environmental and sustainability, urban design tenant management and building management systems. The vision and requirements of clients form a key element of the design process to ensure owners and building users derive value.
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Dam Engineering.
Water and Sewer Infrastructure.
Geotechnical Engineering.
Cost Engineering.
Cost Benefit Analysis.
Project Management.
Feasibility Studies.
Selected Project Experience

ZINWA & DTI South Africa
Harare, Zimbabwe
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
Kunzvi Dam is located on the upper reaches of the Nyagui River and its dam site is located approximately 4 km upstream of the confluence of Nyagui River and the Nora River. The main purpose of the reservoir is to supply water to Harare, which is 55 km away.
The water supply scheme project consists of Kunzvi Dam on the Nyagui River, Nora Weir on the Nora River and a channel diverting water from the Nora River to Kunzvi Dam. Tasks included raw water conveyance from Kunzvi Dam to the treatment plant, a water treatment plant, water transmission pipeline and reservoirs, and water distribution pipe network with 3 trunk pipelines.
The total storage capacity of the reservoir is 158.4 million m3, a live storage capacity is 146.9 million m3 and the dead storage is 1.6 million m3. The design capacity of the water treatment plant and water transmission pipeline is 235 000 m3/day. GIBB was appointed as Owner’s Engineer and did the design review, EPC Contract Negotiation and construction supervision.