
GIBB is uniquely geared to work in Africa. We deeply understand the infrastructure challenges on our continent and are structured to deliver on these needs with local teams and local knowledge. This ensures we have the right people, proven and localised expertise and home-grown excellence to deliver. We understand Africa, because we are from Africa. We are committed to the powerful future of our continent, which we believe is defined through engineering and related services. This is the future of Africa defined.
Involvement in Zambia
GIBB’s reputation as a hub of technological intelligence, along with its professional service and solid track record, has seen the firm become increasingly involved in landmark projects across Africa, including Zambia.
The depth and breadth of expertise ensures that GIBB is well positioned to provide a variety of engineering solutions to clients through service excellence.
GIBB in Africa

With infrastructure being the backbone of the continent’s economy, we find ourselves broadening our own scope, to offer turnkey solutions to our clients and ultimately taking Africa forward.
At GIBB, we nurture the skills, starting at our own offices by harnessing top talent and developing future leaders in engineering, and our work speaks for itself.
Selected Project Experience

Sun International
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
Electrical engineering; Fencing solutions; Low energy perimeter lighting solutions; Access control systems; Airside gates.

Copperbelt Energy Corporation
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
The Kabompo Gorge Hydroelectric Project is a reservoir scheme to provide power to the Zambian grid (40 MW installed capacity). GIBB was appointed as lead consultant in a 3-way Joint Venture.
Main components included underground waterways and caverns, a roller compacted concrete dam (54 m in height) and 4 km of waterway tunnels. Main components included feasibility studies, tender design, evaluation and appointment as Owner’s Engineer.
Specific tasks included: project management; civil engineering; underground and foundation engineering; dam engineering; electrical and mechanical engineering; environmental services; cost estimation; scheme documentation; contract and tender document preparation and adjudication; contract negotiations, and Owner’s Engineer.

Copperbelt Energy Corporation
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
Owner Engineer for the Master Plan of the potential 900 MW total capacity which includes five dam structures ranging in height from 20 m to 70 m along the Luapula River.

Barrick Lumwana
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB, appointed by Barrick, designed and constructed the Civil, Mechanical and Electrical infrastructure to serve the Wastewater Treatment Works.
The project consists of a 2600 m2 concrete slab, access, associated pipe work consisting of various sizes that vary between 110 mm diameter and 250 mm diameter, two pump stations and an elevated grit and dirt trap, remover with a capacity to treat 3000 m3/day.
Newterra supplied a membrane bioreactor wastewater works and GIBB designed the overflow pond, treated effluent pipeline with a pipe bridge crossing the river diversion channel.

Barrick Lumwana
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB was appointed to design the associated civil, mechanical and electrical infrastructure to serve the wastewater treatment works with a capacity to treat 3 000 m3/day.
The work consisted of the construction of a 2 600 m2 concrete slab, access routes, pipe work (various between 110-250 mm diameter), two pump stations, an elevated grit and dirt trap. Newterra supplied a membrane bioreactor wastewater works and GIBB designed the overflow pond, treated effluent pipeline and a pipe bridge which crosses the river diversion channel.