Water and Sanitation


GIBB’s Integrated Infrastructure sector provides solutions to both public and private sector clients. In South Africa and other African countries, we face a number of challenges due to scarce water resources, crumbling infrastructure, tightening budgets and a skills shortage in the fields of engineering.
If these challenges are not met in the near future then the impact on our environment and human health will be significant. At GIBB we are proud of our track record in providing these essential services to communities across South Africa and Africa.
GIBB’s Water and Sanitation Services is a related service within the Water & Infrastructure (as per listed Market Sectors). The sector is a market leader in the planning, design and delivery of infrastructure solution projects throughout South Africa and Africa.
Master Planning.
Feasibility studies.
Bulk water conveyance.
Bulk sewer outfalls.
Water treatment works.
Wastewater treatment works.
Water conservation and demand management.
Feasibility studies.
Ground investigations.
Permit applications.
Waste management strategies.
Landfill design.
Upgrading and closure of existing sites.
Selected Project Experience
- Lumwana Waste Water
- Ndzevane Irrigation Scheme
- Gabarone Wastewater Reclamation
- Francistown Water Master Plan
- Thornhill Raw Water Pipeline Phase 1
- Thornhill Bulk Water Supply Scheme
- Sir Lowry’s Pass Outfall Sewer
- Bulk Sewers To Sicelo and Other Areas
- King Williams Town Bulk Regional Sewerage Scheme
- Greater Port Harcourt : Ogbogoro
- PMC for Urban and Peri-Urban Water Supply Project
- Mauritius Water Master Plan
- Mont Bland and Piton du Milieu Treatment Plant
- Pont Lardier Treatment Plant
- Marropino Mine Water Supply
- Port Harcourt Water and Sanitation Master Plans
- Civil Infrastructure to The Wastewater Treatment Works, Lumwana
- Kunzvi – Musami Harare Water Supply Project
Lumwana Waste Water Treatement Works

Barrick Lumwana
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB was appointed to design the associated civil, mechanical and electrical infrastructure to serve the wastewater treatment works with a capacity to treat 3 000 m3/day.
The work consisted of the construction of a 2 600 m2 concrete slab, access routes, pipe work (various between 110-250 mm diameter), two pump stations, an elevated grit and dirt trap. Newterra supplied a membrane bioreactor wastewater works and GIBB designed the overflow pond, treated effluent pipeline and a pipe bridge which crosses the river diversion channel.

Government of Swaziland, Lutheran World Federation
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
A tripartite agreement was signed in 1980 between the Government of Swaziland, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees and the Lutheran World Federation.
This established the Ndzevane Refugee Settlement in south-eastern Swaziland for members of the Mngomezulu and Matsengwa tribes who were displaced from South Africa. An area of approximately 60 km2 was made available for the approximate 5 400 refugees, comprising about 800 families.
GIBB was tasked with the area to be made available to the refugees for inhabitation and the development of agriculture through the Ndzevane Irrigation Scheme.

Water Utilities Corporation
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
In order to improve water security in south-eastern Botswana, the Water Utilities Corporation initiated a project to determine the feasibility of reclaiming wastewater for potable use.
GIBB was awarded this project to design and commission a wastewater reclamation plant. The project entailed preliminary and detailed design of the reclamation plant, economic and financial costing of the scheme, as well as undertaking an environmental impact assessment of the proposed site.

Water Utilities Corporation
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
This study addressed the augmentation of water supply infrastructure to the region around Francistown in Botswana. An immediate works programme was recommended for the extension of the 1990 Shashe Water Treatment Plant.
GIBB’s tasks included refurbishment of the 1982 plant, construction of a new pipeline to the Gerald Estates development, construction of reservoirs and upgrading of the Area L pumping facility.

OR Tambo District Municipality
Gauteng, South Africa
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB was appointed for the refurbishment of Mthatha Dam to Thornhill Raw Water Pipeline (Phase 1). This project included the planning, design and supervision of the refurbishment of the pipeline linking Mthatha Dam to the Thornhill raw water plant.

OR Tambo District Municipality
Greater Mthatha, Eastern Cape, South Africa
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB was appointed to review the existing Thornhill Bulk Water Supply System, as well as the development of a Master Plan to extend the existing water supply system.
Further responsibilities included the planning, design and construction supervision of five development corridors up to 40 km out of Mthatha town.

City of Cape Town
Western Cape, South Africa
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB was appointed for the Sir Lowry’s Pass Outfall Sewer project in order to investigate viable routing for a 900 mm diameter gravity sewer pipeline.
Tasks included the design the sewer pipeline to conventional design parameters with minimum velocity of not less than 0.7 m/s.

Midvaal Municipality
Gauteng, South Africa
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB was appointed to increase the capacity of the bulk sewer network in the area of Sicelo in Gauteng.
Additionally, the tasks required GIBB to make provision for future low cost housing developments in the area by providing larger bulk sewers and upgrading the Rothdene Pump Station.

Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality
Eastern Cape, South Africa
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB’s engineering design tasks included the amalgamation of four smaller wastewater treatment works into a 35 Mℓ/d activated sludge plant, a pump station, a 800 m long x 315 mm diameter rising main, and 20 km of 600 mm to 800 mm diameter bulk collector sewers.
Greater Port Harcourt : Ogbogoro Waste Water Works Master Planning (300 Mℓ/day)

Greater Port Harcourt City Development Authority
Greater Port Harcourt City, Rivers State, Nigeria
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB was appointed for the Greater Port Harcourt: Ogbogoro Waste Water Works Master Planning project. Tasks included the design of a 300 Mℓ/day capacity plant.
Due consideration was taken of the site and available treatment processes suitable for the local environment. Planning was based on the outcome of the city’s sanitation master plan with the aim of creating a first world city sanitation infrastructure.

Maseru and surrounding areas, Lesotho
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB (Pty) Ltd was appointed as the Project Management Consultant (PMC) to provide services for the Urban and Peri-Urban Water Supply Activities through the Defects Notification Period (DNP). These projects focused on rehabilitation and expansion of the existing urban water infrastructure in 10 urban centres around the country and construction of a new water supply system in Semonkong town. The project was composed of five packages:
Package 1 – Maseru and Mazenod.
Package 2 – Semonkong.
Package 3 – Mafeteng, Mohale’s Hoek, Quthing, and Qacha’s Nek.
Package 4 – Leribe, Butha-Buthe, and Mokhotlong.
Package 5 – Mapoteng.
The services included to oversee small works contracts in the Packages 2, 3, 4, and 5, and also providing Technical Assistance in operation and maintenance for both facilities and personnel.

GIBB’s Responsibilities:
Central Water Authority of Mauritius delegated Water Master Plan GIBB, together with GIBB Mauritius to provide a water master plan for the country.
The master plan entailed a range of investigations from an assessment of existing water resources to determents of water demand management and conservation strategies. This holistic project re-evaluated the island’s ageing water network, taking cognisance of the rapid growth in tourism in the country.
The project assessed the existing situation, updated present and predicts future water demands, reviewed existing resources and infrastructure, model of networks and identifies water loss. These analyses identified network rehabilitation and new infrastructure options.

Mont Bland Central Water Authority Mauritius
Mont Bland and Pitot du Milieu, Mauritius
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
Central Water Authority of Mauritius appointed GIBB (Pty), through partnership with GIBB Mauritius, to undertake technical reviews, study, and design.
Mont Bland Water Treatment Plant is situated in the southern part of the island. Tasks included the review and upgrade of the treatment plant and treatment process to ensure a safe water quality and quantity for domestic use.
This was especially pertinent during heavy rainfall when the turbidity of the raw water rises considerably, increasing the treatment capacity to a total of 15,000 m3/day. The treatment plant needed to treat raw water up to a turbidity of 400NTU.
GIBB’s tasks included a review of the treatment plant process to: ensure a safe water quality and quantity for domestic use and to increase the treatment capacity to a total of 50,000 m3 per day, thus enabling the treatment of raw water up to a turbidity of 400NTU.
Additionally, as required, GIBB ensured upgrading of the intake structure to provide adequate water transmission to the treatment plant; construction of a pipeline of appropriate carrying capacity for maximum flow from the intake structure to the treatment plant; and upgrading of Backwashing Tank and the aerators.

Central Water Authority Mauritius
Pont Lardier, Mauritius
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
The Central Water Authority delegated GIBB (Pty) Ltd, through the partnership of GIBB Mauritius, to design and prepare bid documents, and assist in the bidding process and bid evaluation for the Pont Lardier Water Treatment Plant situated in the eastern part of the island.
The project provided a more reliable water supply to the eastern part of Mauritius. The Central Water Authority achieved this through a new water treatment plant at Pont Lardier, with a service reservoir and associated works.
The works included construction of a river intake structure and a water treatment plant (capacity approximately 15,000 m3/day) at Pont Lardier on a design and build basis.

Zambezia Province, Mozambique
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
The Highland African Mining Company (HAMC) designated GIBB (with KLM Consulting Services) to provide a study into assuring the water supply to the Marropino Mine Process Plant. The water supports mining operations delivering 500 000 tons of ore containing tantalite per annum.
The aim was to determine the most economical and practical water supply system. GIBB investigated the option of upgrading all existing vandalised and dilapidated pipes, canals and dams versus the feasibility of construction of a new 3 km long pipeline.

River State Government
Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
These Master Plans required assessment of existing services, identification of potential water and wastewater treatment works sites, planning of new infrastructure for a new city.

Barrick Lumwana
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB, appointed by Barrick, designed and constructed the Civil, Mechanical and Electrical infrastructure to serve the Wastewater Treatment Works.
The project consists of a 2600 m2 concrete slab, access, associated pipe work consisting of various sizes that vary between 110 mm diameter and 250 mm diameter, two pump stations and an elevated grit and dirt trap, remover with a capacity to treat 3000 m3/day.
Newterra supplied a membrane bioreactor wastewater works and GIBB designed the overflow pond, treated effluent pipeline with a pipe bridge crossing the river diversion channel.

ZINWA & DTI South Africa
Harare, Zimbabwe
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
Kunzvi Dam is located on the upper reaches of the Nyagui River and its dam site is located approximately 4 km upstream of the confluence of Nyagui River and the Nora River. The main purpose of the reservoir is to supply water to Harare, which is 55 km away.
The water supply scheme project consists of Kunzvi Dam on the Nyagui River, Nora Weir on the Nora River and a channel diverting water from the Nora River to Kunzvi Dam. Tasks included raw water conveyance from Kunzvi Dam to the treatment plant, a water treatment plant, water transmission pipeline and reservoirs, and water distribution pipe network with 3 trunk pipelines.
The total storage capacity of the reservoir is 158.4 million m3, a live storage capacity is 146.9 million m3 and the dead storage is 1.6 million m3. The design capacity of the water treatment plant and water transmission pipeline is 235 000 m3/day. GIBB was appointed as Owner’s Engineer and did the design review, EPC Contract Negotiation and construction supervision.