
Arcus GIBB Nigeria is a subsidiary of GIBB Holdings and has expertise in Project Management and Engineering. The company has experts in architecture, project management and engineering. The GIBB Nigerian chapter was established in 2009 and has been delivering world-class solutions across a diverse range of markets in Nigeria and West Africa.
Arcus GIBB Nigeria recently merged with the Popham Walter Odusote (PWO), which has been operating since 1983. PWO are similarly experts in architecture, project management and engineering.
Involvement in Nigeria
Employees of Arcus Gibb Nigeria and PWO are both 100% indigenous to Nigeria. The amalgamation of the two powerhouses serves to catalyse infrastructural development that will support the country’s economic growth.
GIBB in Africa

With infrastructure being the backbone of the continent’s economy, we find ourselves broadening our own scope, to offer turnkey solutions to our clients and ultimately taking Africa forward.
At GIBB, we nurture the skills, starting at our own offices by harnessing top talent and developing future leaders in engineering, and our work speaks for itself.
Selected Project Experience

Government of the Rivers State
Port Harcourt, Nigeria
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB provided the development of a framework plan that included: town planning, water & wastewater engineering, stormwater master planning, roads & drainage engineering, energy (gas & electricity) engineering and environmental services.

Government of the Rivers State
Port Harcourt, Nigeria
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB was appointed for two phases of a project for the Port Harcourt Monorail (Port Harcourt is the capital and largest city of the Rivers State in Nigeria). The monorail was to alleviate traffic congestion and improve travel times and act as a facilitator of urban redevelopment.
The objective was to create a mass transport system that met the highest international standards of technical excellence, harnessed the energy and efficiency of the private sector, had broad social and political acceptance and acts as facilitator of economic growth and urban renewal in line with the Greater Port Harcourt City Development Plan.
The first phase of the construction included route planning and station location, project management and construction assurance, testing and commissioning, procurement of operations and maintenance contractor and performance monitoring.
The second phase of the monorail construction involved GIBB acting as owner’s engineer which included project management, programme management, system design and integration, construction assurance monitoring, procurement of an operation and maintenance contractor, testing and commissioning and operation and maintenance performance monitoring.

River State Government
Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
These Master Plans required assessment of existing services, identification of potential water and wastewater treatment works sites, planning of new infrastructure for a new city.
Port Harcourt waste planning and design of waste transfer stations and landfill.

Greater Port Harcourt Development Authority
Port Harcourt, Nigeria
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB was tasked with the compilation of an Integrated Waste Management Plan for the city of Port Harcourt. The plan included the detailed planning and design of waste transfer stations, drop off facilities and landfills across the city of Port Harcourt.

Greater Port Harcourt City Development Authority
Rivers State, Nigeria
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB was appointed to be the consultants for the development of the M1 and M10 freeways in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
The M1 project comprised construction of a 16 km dual carriageway freeway from East-West Road to the old city. It also included the provision of access interchanges and bridges, as well as reinstatement of access through existing loaded areas.
The project included ten bridges, one of which one is 1.25 km in length. The freeway joins the M10 and provides an 8 km link extending from Ikwerri Road in the east to Ada George Drive in the west. Here, an interchange connects the new M1 link to the Port Harcourt International Airport. A short section of the M1 link up to Owerri Road formed part of this project.

North South Power Company
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB was appointed for the detailed condition assessment of the 600 MW hydropower plant which includes a 115 m high concrete faced rockfill dam with a crest length of 700 m.

Greater Port Harcourt City Development Authority
Greater Port Harcourt City, Rivers State, Nigeria
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB was appointed for the Greater Port Harcourt: Ogbogoro Waste Water Works Master Planning project. Tasks included the design of a 300 Mℓ/day capacity plant.
Due consideration was taken of the site and available treatment processes suitable for the local environment. Planning was based on the outcome of the city’s sanitation master plan with the aim of creating a first world city sanitation infrastructure.