Project Finance & Development


Accessing the right expertise and development of bankable projects remains one of the greatest challenges facing energy and infrastructure projects. GIBB Capital focuses on the following four (4) objectives.
Advance and deliver sustainable infrastructure assets,
Invest in long-term infrastructure assets and earn above average, risk weighted returns on capital invested in selected projects,
Act as a catalyst to spur needed project development,
Position the company to grow the business in the energy and infrastructure sectors in Africa.
Purpose, Empowerment and Impact
GIBB Capital’s mission is to develop and invest in value creating, sustainable infrastructure assets. Through effective governance and decision making structures that promote decisiveness, efficacy and accountability, GIBB Capital looks to deliver value to all stakeholders and through its investment choices, generate long-term and sustainable financial returns for the business. GIBB Capital is committed to providing solutions that treat citizens and communities equitably and fairly and are devoid of any conflicts of interest or improper influence.
Keys to Success
GIBB Capital recognises that active project development and project operation management are vital requirements for the successful implementation of sustainable projects.
GIBB’s proven project delivery and technical expertise along with GIBB Capital’s project finance and capital raising track record provides a very distinct value proposition for the advancement and delivery of sustainable infrastructure assets.
Our network and active involvement in the energy and infrastructure sectors provide us with an opportunity to select the best projects and allow better structuring of revenue contracts, legal and transaction structure, and the financing, to extract best value from energy and infrastructure projects. With our in-house expertise, we can be both agile and cost effective in driving projects forward, whilst at the same time maintaining strict cost controls.
Our unique Value Proposition is to
- De-risk the project pipeline,
- Improve the success rate of ‘closing’ projects,
- Provide geographical diversification into Africa,
- Offer early access to several energy and infrastructure projects,
- Mobilise a broad range of competent skills,
- Negotiate optimal terms of investment,
- Efficiently deploy capital,
- Mobilise inhouse engineering and finance capabilities through subsidiaries and related companies,
- Actively manage the underlying assets.
Selected Project Experience

Northern Uganda, Uganda
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB’s responsibilities included technical consulting on the bankable feasibility study.

ZINWA & DTI South Africa
Harare, Zimbabwe
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
Kunzvi Dam is located on the upper reaches of the Nyagui River and its dam site is located approximately 4 km upstream of the confluence of Nyagui River and the Nora River.
The main purpose of the reservoir is to supply water to Harare, which is 55 km away. The water supply scheme project consists of Kunzvi Dam on the Nyagui River, Nora Weir on the Nora River and a channel diverting water from the Nora River to Kunzvi Dam.
Tasks included raw water conveyance from Kunzvi Dam to the treatment plant, a water treatment plant, water transmission pipeline and reservoirs, and water distribution pipe network with 3 trunk pipelines.
The total storage capacity of the reservoir is 158.4 million m3, a live storage capacity is 146.9 million m3 and the dead storage is 1.6 million m3. The design capacity of the water treatment plant and water transmission pipeline is 235 000 m3/day. GIBB was appointed as Owner’s Engineer and did the design review, EPC Contract Negotiation and construction supervision.

Massingir Dam, in the Gaza Province in Mozambique
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
As development partner, GIBB provided technical and financial evaluation of Massingir Dam in the Gaza Province of Mozambique. This included initial technical studies such as water availability to feed into the development of project implementation agreements and purchasing and off-taker agreements.

Copperbelt Energy Corporation (CEC)
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
The Kabompo Gorge Hydroelectric Project is a reservoir scheme to provide power to the Zambian grid. GIBB was appointed as lead consultant in a 3-way Joint Venture. Main components included underground waterways and caverns, a roller compacted concrete dam of 54 m in height, 4 km of waterway tunnels. The installed capacity is 40 MW.
The project was a Feasibility Study. Main components included feasibility studies, tender design, evaluation and appointment as Owner’s Engineer for the 40 MW scheme with a 54 m high roller compacted concrete Dam.
Specific tasks included: project management; civil engineering; underground and foundation engineering; dam engineering; electrical and mechanical engineering; environmental services; cost estimation; scheme documentation; contract and tender document preparation and adjudication; contract negotiations, and Owners Engineer.

Maputo Province, Mozambique
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB acted as the transaction advisor for the project.