
Involvement in Botswana
ACE GIBB (Pty) Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of GIBB Holdings – one of the country’s leading engineering and management consultancies providing consulting, design and management services for projects in the fields of water and wastewater, civil engineering, transportation, environment, finance and commerce, buildings and defence.
ACE GIBB assigns senior technical staff with extensive, relevant experience to Botswana and the Southern African region. Many of these professionals have successfully delivered projects in Botswana over the years. ACE GIBB is also involved in projects for many other Botswana clients in the private sector, such as education, insurance, banking and mining sectors.
Selected Project Experience

Botswana Roads Department
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
GIBB was awarded the Mochudi Link Rail Bridge project in Botswana, which is located on the A13 single carriageway road, and which crosses the Gaborone Francistown Railway, north of Gaborone.
The project included the bridge abutments, pier, foundations and two outer decks made of reinforced concrete. The central deck, which sits over the main rail line, comprised pre-tensioned pre-stressed reinforced beams with a reinforced concrete slab over the beams. The bridge was founded on end bearing piles 0.4 m in diameter and approximately 8 m deep.
Additionally, GIBB’s tasks included the installation of one metre high New Jersey parapets which were installed along the full length of each deck edge and the road-over-rail bridge, which is 31 m long has 3 spans: two of 11 m and one of 9 m in length. The deck was designed to be over 12 m wide to accommodate two 2.4 m surfaced shoulders and two traffic lanes 3.7 m wide.

Botswana Power Corporation
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
A feasibility study determined if the expansion of the Morupule Power Station was economically and financially viable and worthy of further development. It found that the expansion of Morupule Power Station to be viable. Generation expansion at Morupule Power Station (coal fired and dry-cooled), was implemented in the following phases:
(a) 2 x 100 MW units
(b) 2 x 100 MW units

Water Utilities Corporation
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
In order to improve water security in south-eastern Botswana, the Water Utilities Corporation initiated a project to determine the feasibility of reclaiming wastewater for potable use.
GIBB was awarded this project to design and commission a wastewater reclamation plant. The project entailed preliminary and detailed design of the reclamation plant, economic and financial costing of the scheme, as well as undertaking an environmental impact assessment of the proposed site.

Water Utilities Corporation
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
This study addressed the augmentation of water supply infrastructure to the region around Francistown in Botswana. An immediate works programme was recommended for the extension of the 1990 Shashe Water Treatment Plant.
GIBB’s tasks included refurbishment of the 1982 plant, construction of a new pipeline to the Gerald Estates development, construction of reservoirs and upgrading of the Area L pumping facility.

Government of Botswana’s Department of Water Affairs
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
In a Joint Venture, ACE GIBB were appointed for the 1 600 m long, 35 m earth embankment dam. The project included project management, civil engineering, waterworks and pipeline design, foundation engineering, dam engineering, cost estimation, scheme documentation, construction supervision and administration.

Hilton Garden Inn
Gaborone, Botswana
GIBB’s Responsibilities:
SVAI, a subsidiary of GIBB, was appointed for the design of the Hilton Garden Inn in Gaborone. The project was conceptualised as a complementary public space open to all at ground level, while two buildings blocks, the Hilton Garden Inn and the Commercial Block, rise on either side.
The design was made to be pedestrian-friendly which encourages access by the new Business District community and offers a pleasant area to enjoy a meal at the restaurant or a drink in the hotel’s bar.
The two buildings’ orientation for sunlight gain in winter and protection in summer, translates into major savings in energy efficiency and power consumption. This is a particular advantage given Gaborone’s temperature variations and air conditioning requirements.